Douglas P. Horne on The McCollum Memorandum: How FDR Really Brought the US into World War II

Douglas P. Horne on The McCollum Memorandum: How FDR Really Brought the US into World War II
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As we commemorate the 82nd anniversary of the Pearl Harbor Attack by Imperial Japan on December 7, 1941, we present this encore broadcast: Historian Douglas P. Horne offers a deep dive into how then-President Franklin Delano Roosevelt concocted a way to bring the U.S. into World War II despite opposition from citizens and members of his cabinet through this discussion about his book, The McCollum Memorandum: A Story of Washington, D.C. in 1940-41: Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Journey from Deterrence to Provocation on the Road to Pearl Harbor The McCollum Memorandum: A Story of Washington, D.C. in 1940-41, is the most accurate and complete account yet published about how the United States truly joined WWII. It is the story of President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s gradual journey from deterrence to provocation—from October 7, 1940 through December 11, 1941—on America’s road to Pearl Harbor. Horne reveals the nation’s journey toward the international conflict through official memoranda, state documents, the diary entries and sworn testimony of the principal actors in the story, and the documented results of the remarkable American and British codebreaking efforts in 1940 and 1941, to tell the dramatic story. In numerous scenes reminiscent of the best historical novels, the inner thoughts and private conversations of many of the key historical figures of the day are presented as dramatic reenactments, based faithfully on the hard kernels of truth in the documentary record.

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