Hunter Biden Indicted; How Bidenomics is Destroying Our Economy – The Truth Central, Sep 15, 2023

Hunter Biden Indicted; How Bidenomics is Destroying Our Economy – The Truth Central, Sep 15, 2023
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Hunter Biden has been indicted on gun charges. Will there be more or will this be another attempt ad a slightly harder “slap on the wrist” plea deal? One thins is for sure, the relatively minor charges against the younger Biden is clearly being used as a media distraction to take the proverbial spotlight away from the Biden Crime Family dealings with foreign adversaries, allegations of corruption, the failing economy, high inflation and the serious questions over the elder Biden’s competence and mental health. Dr. Jerome Corsi breaks it all down on today’s The Truth Central
We also look into:
How much worse can things get for Joe Biden impeachment inquiries begin?
How Bidenomics is destroying America by design
A powerful Bishop takes on the New World Order puppet masters over abortion
The US-Russia Proxy War in Ukraine intensifies under the radar

Get your FREE copy of Dr. Corsi’s new book with Swiss America CEO Dean Heskin, How the Coming Global Crash Will Create a Historic Gold Rush by calling: 800-519-6268

/Follow Dr. Jerome Corsi on Twitter: @corsijerome1
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Our link to where to get the Marco Polo 650-Page Book on the Hunter Biden laptop & Biden family crimes free online:

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