The Kamala Harris Gaslighting Project is Underway

The Kamala Harris Gaslighting Project is Underway
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As more Democrats fall in line and endorse Far Left VP Kamala Harris as the party’s candidate for President (at least for now), the Operation Mockingbird media (perhaps under orders) is working overtime to whitewash her record in an attempt to gaslight the public. Already, media members parroted a lie claiming President Biden never put Harris in charge of the border situation as “Border Czar” – a term used by the same “news” people who are currently denying it. The supposedly non-partisan GovTrack was caught removing a 219 page rating Harris as the nation’s “Most Liberal Senator” as part of the gaslighting project. The Dems and media seem to have been giving marching orders to prop the Veep up and expunge her record to fool enough people into voting for this Far-Left radical. Dr. Corsi discusses the plan and what’s coming next (among other stories) on The Truth Central

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