Woke FBI Wray Refuses to Investigate Pro-Hamas Illegally Disruptive Protestors While Incarcerating J6 Peaceful Protestors for Entering Capitol

Woke FBI Wray Refuses to Investigate Pro-Hamas Illegally Disruptive Protestors While Incarcerating J6 Peaceful Protestors for Entering Capitol
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When the 2020 election rolled around, the level of public frustration was sky-high. The nation saw an unprecedented flood of mail-in ballots and questionable drop-boxes. Eyebrows were raised as mysterious “batches” of ballots appeared overnight, counted in secret. Numerous eyewitnesses came forward, swearing that they observed questionable, possibly illegal, actions, yet their concerns were brushed aside. And anybody who expressed doubts about the election was quickly labeled an “election denier” or a “conspiracy theorist.” So, understandably, on January 6, Americans gathered to voice their concerns about what they perceived as a flawed election, only to be ensnared in some FBI plot and branded as extremists and “domestic terrorists” following a three-hour melee. Contrast this with the over three months of unrest led by BLM rioters, which included looting and burning down of communities, yet these actions were excused as expressions of grief over some career criminal who died of a drug overdose.

Now, likely, the same characters and similar tactics are being used by radical left-wingers who are showing support for the terror group Hamas. These thugs are causing chaos, blocking traffic, and even getting violent without facing any real intervention from authorities. Why? Well, because the disgraced FBI claims they have “First Amendment rights.” Heck, they won’t even be investigated by the feds. After all, they’re too busy locking up grandparents who casually strolled through the US Capitol.

Just so we’re on the same page, talking about the 2020 election or calling out the COVID scam can easily land you on an FBI list. But cheering on a foreign terrorist group? That, somehow, gets a pass. Go figure.

This paints a very disturbing picture of a government using its tremendous power to silence political opposition. And don’t think those supporting pro-Hamas views aren’t taking notes; they definitely are. Just a day after Wray’s comments, here’s what they were up to. Ask yourself: Does this really scream “First Amendment right” to you?

This isn’t free speech. Blocking a road is a crime. But don’t tell Chris Wray that, because he’s doing everything he can to cover for these people while imprisoning J6 patriots for walking into the Capitol for approximately one minute.

Headline USA:

Last June, Cameron Campanella II was arrested and charged with four misdemeanors for his activities during the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol Hill uprising.

The sum total of his activities? Entering the Capitol for precisely one minute.

“U.S. Capitol Police CCV video shows Campanella II entered the Capitol building through the Senate Wing Doors at approximately 3:00 PM, walked down a corridor, returned to the vicinity of the Senate Wing Doors, and left through the Senate Wing doors at approximately 3:01 PM,” the Justice Department’s charging documents stated.

Other than his brief time in the Capitol, charging documents state that Campanella wasn’t cooperative with authorities when questioned.

“Campanella II identified himself when federal agents asked to speak with him,” the DOJ’s charging docs stated. “Campanella II declined to talk about the events of January 6, 2021, but stated that he was ‘not scared’ and expressed his view that investigating the January 6th riot was a waste of time.”

Campanella II, 46, pled guilty to the misdemeanors last October and was sentenced Tuesday. According to the York Dispatch, he was sentenced to one year of probation and ordered to pay a $500 fine.

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