Biden Admin Linked To Trump Ballot Ban In Colorado

Biden Admin Linked To Trump Ballot Ban In Colorado
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While many are focusing on the Ivy League Democrats on Colorado’s Supreme Court who voted to kick Donald Trump off the 2024 primary ballot, there underlying case itself has a direct link to the Biden administration.

The Colorado case against Trump was brought by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), headed by President and CEO Noah Bookbinder…

who sits on the Biden administration’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Advisory Council  (HSAC), as the Daily Caller‘s James Lynch reports.

“Our Constitution clearly states that those who violate their oath by attacking our democracy are barred from serving in government. It has been an honor to represent the petitioners, and we look forward to ensuring that this vitally important ruling stands,” Bookbinder gloated in a press release.

It gets better…

Bookbinder is a former trial attorney for the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) public integrity section and former chief counsel for criminal justice for the Senate Judiciary Committee. He repeatedly donated to former President Barack Obama’s re-election campaign during his tenure with the Senate, Federal Elections Commission (FEC) records show.

The DHS appointed Bookbinder and 32 other new members to HSAC in March 2022 ahead of the council’s first meeting under Secretary Mayorkas. -Daily Caller

DHS Secretary Mayorkas said in a March 2022 press release related to HSAC: “Together, we will ensure that the Department is best positioned to meet the challenges we confront today, foresee and be ready for the challenges of tomorrow, capitalize on the power of technological innovation, and serve our country by living up to our highest ideals. Our Department is privileged to benefit from the experience, vision, and creativity of these incredibly accomplished individuals.

According to Lynch, HSAC has met numerous times – where they’ve produced various reports for Mayorkas ranging from “disinformation” to supply chains.

Bookbinder was in attendance during a September 2023 in-person meeting of HSAC, according to meeting minutes.

He also worked on a report produced by the DHS’s ‘Openness and Transparency Subcommittee’ – providing recommendations for how DHS can become more transparent without compromising its law enforcement mission (sure!).

So, to summarize, in order to save democracy, an official within the Biden administration supported an anti-democratic suit to have former President Trump removed from the ballots in Arizona.

As Tucker Carlson noted, that is “the actual end of democracy.”

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